Job loss, underemployment, a part-time job instead of a full-time job, less pay for less rewarding work. Or perhaps you just don’t like the job you have. You are in the midst of or contemplating a Tough Shift™.
Don’t go through it alone! And, you’re not alone.
Stock market volatility, technology changes, and the gig economy might have you considering other career options.
When the U.S. economy catches a cold, the whole world sneezes! This unfortunate effect has many people spinning and caught in a round of chaos and confusion. Couple this with technology changes and the personal fallout from job loss and underemployment — it all amounts to a serious worldwide tough shift.
Change is never easy, but change under duress is even tougher.
Fear, worry, doubt, and anxiety creep into us. This affects us at some profound subconscious level and begins to be communicated. Our nervous vibe causes others to view us as desperate and risky. This perpetuates our greatest fears from the tough shift.
Is now the time to explore starting a business?
It can be an intimidating undertaking but there are many options to explore out there. For decades I’ve worked with business startups to design, advise, and guide the growth and development of the business plan and leader.
Don’t go it alone.
Find a business advisor or mentor who can see clearly into your blind spots. Yes, you’ll invest a few dollars, but you’ll gain time to market and create a more profitable and better working operation. There are no shortcuts to business creation, but why add unnecessary delays and detours out of your own inexperience?
So while you’re looking for a job you can be creating one, too … for yourself. Who knows, you may never have to go to work for someone else again!
This On-Purpose Business Minute offers some simple and calming insights.