(This video was originally recorded on Valentine’s Day, 2012. Every day should engage your heart.)
Purpose is a matter of the heart!
Far too often we tend to think of the heart as a weak or soft place subject to vulnerability. Nothing is further from the truth. We’re most at risk when we don’t know the depth of our heart or who we are.
Your 2-word purpose statement is an expression of your heart that gives your head a way to use, remember, and engage the true strength of who you are. Not knowing your heart is a disadvantage avoidable only by you.
Would you like help in discovering your 2-word Personal Purpose Statement?
Go to ONPURPOSE.me. This online app will guide you through a process of selecting a purpose statement, plus you’ll receive a 10-email course that’s practical to being on-purpose. The limited-time reduced launch price is currently available.
The graphic I’m using to illustration the heart and head relationship is called The On-Purpose Pal. He’s introduced in The On-Purpose Business Person and has advanced to a big part of all things On-Purpose. The “OP Pal” graces The On-Purpose Poster that clarifies the language of leadership: Purpose, Vision, Missions, and Values.